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Install Horde Groupware Webmail Ubuntu Download

Bitnami Horde Groupware Webmail Stack Installers Bitnami native installers automate the setup of a Bitnami application stack on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Each installer includes all of the software necessary to run out of the box (the stack). The process is simple; just download, click next-next-next and you are done! How to install Horde Webmail on Ubuntu 14.04? [closed] Ask Question -3. Am using Ubuntu 14.04. These are very terse instructions how to install Horde Groupware and its prerequisites on a LAMP sytem. They are addressed to experienced administrators who know exactly what they are doing. Horde webmail install - 'webmail-install not found' 1.

Active4 years, 10 months ago

Am using Ubuntu 14.04. Am stuck with the following issue:

My goal is to install and have running HORDER GROUPWARE 5.2 on my Domain/Hosting:

Download on Github:
https:// github .com/horde/horde/releases/tag/groupware-5.2.2
Installation on Github:

Quick Install

These are very terse instructions how to install Horde Groupware and its prerequisites on a LAMP sytem. They are addressed to experienced administrators who know exactly what they are doing. For more detailed instructions, start reading below at Prerequisites_.

  1. Compiling PHP for Apache 2::

    cd php-x.x.x/ ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2 --with-gettext --enable-mbstring=all --enable-mbregex --with-gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr [--with-mysql|--with-pgsql|--with-oci8] [--with-tidy] [--with-ftp] make make install

Can't even start with this method couse there is not such 'php-x.x.x' folder on my ubuntu root, and there is not such think on internet called 'compiling php for apache2'. Any idea?

  1. Restart Apache.

  2. Register Horde PEAR channel::

    pear channel-discover pear.horde.org https://tiochitarvi.tistory.com/14.

  3. Set Horde installation directory::

    pear install horde/horde_role pear run-scripts horde/horde_role

  4. Install Horde Groupware::

    pear install -a -B horde/groupware

  5. Run installation script::


  6. Test Horde Groupware::

    http:// your-server /horde/test.php

So I try to install it with the other way that is explained on the INSTALLATION guide:


The following prerequisites are REQUIRED for Horde Groupware to function properly.

  1. A webserver that supports PHP.

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    Horde Groupware is primarily developed under the Apache and Lighttpd webservers, which we recommend. These servers are available from:

    http:// httpd.apache .org/ http:// www.lighttpd .net/

(MY NOTE: i use Apache 2 I have LAMP already installed and functioning well on my OS) OK! Done,

Install Horde Groupware Webmail Ubuntu Download
  1. A web server with PATH_INFO support.

    The dynamic interfaces of Horde Groupware requires a web server that correctly sets the PATH_INFO environment variable for all PHP scripts. Every modern web server supports this, but you might have to enable this feature in the web server configuration. e.g. Apache servers require::

    AcceptPathInfo On

    Lighttpd servers require::

    'broken-scriptfilename' => 'enable'

Can't continue from this point couse I can't find on internet 'How to config the web server apache and change AcceptPathInfo to ON,

  1. PHP 5.3.0 or above.

    PHP is the interpreted language in which Horde Groupware is written.

    . Note:: If possible, you should install PHP with your operating system's package manager. Alternatively you build PHP yourself.

    To build PHP from sources, you can obtain it at

    http:// www.php .net/

    Follow the instructions in the PHP package to build PHP for your one of the following options:: system. If you use Apache, be sure to build PHP as a library with

    --with-apache --with-apxs --with-apxs2

etc, etc, etc more on the INSTALLATION link.

Any idea on how to keep installing it? there is no resources on internet (videos, or tutorials) on how to install it in a different way or somethink, only for older versions like HORDE GROUPWARE 1.2 but this is really old software, what am trying to install is the 5.2

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closed as off-topic by Wesley, Sven, Andrew Schulman, Michael HamptonOct 25 '14 at 18:07

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Try including attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See How can I ask better questions on Server Fault? for further guidance.' – Wesley, Sven, Andrew Schulman, Michael Hampton
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

I agree with SvW, especially because I don't think that the Horde install instructions are all that well laid out and certainly aren't very newb friendly. IMO this is not a good question for serverfault and would be much better in some sort of support forum (e.g. Ubuntu forums) where someone could hold your hand a bit and there could be more back and forth as you work bits out and have new problems..

IMO the instructions are tricky, mainly because:

  • Confusing layout: e.g. 'Quick Install' instructions are noted as 1 but to me seem to be an abridged version of the rest of the instructions; 2. Is prerequisites so again, not really part of instructions (although very important..)
  • Lack of consistency: e.g 1.1 recommends compiling PHP from source - but further down the page (2.3) it says min PHP is 5.3 and recommends using your OS package version..!?!

But in the interest of trying to answer your question:

Personally I would just follow the quick install instructions starting at step 3 (because you already have LAMP running).

To get it all working right though you will probably need to address at least some of the prerequisites too.

Prerequisites Horde install docs: 2. PrerequisitesApache (2.2)I would check your Appache config file (IIRC /etc/apache2/apache2.conf) for

If it's not in there (or it's commented out) add it (on a new line - or uncomment it if it's commented out)

Horde groupware webmail

PHP (2.3)Use the version you have installed already (I assume from package management) so just start at:

The following PHP options are RECOMMENDED to enable advanced features in Horde Groupware:

section 1 php setting will be in your php.ini file (IIRC /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)

section 2 looks like you will need to configure your preferences, it's not that clear, but it seems to me that you will need to configure <path-where-horde-installed>/config/prefs.php (probably /var/www/horde/config/prefs.php). I'd recommend using MySQL (as you already have it installed - the 'M' in LAMP).

The other stuff in the prerequisites section will mostly be available as packages (e.g. IIRC GD support can be added by installing php5-gd). you may need to search Ubuntu packages to get the names right.


Click to expand.Windows XP is not an option is not as stable as 2000. https://tiochitarvi.tistory.com/19. Please dont recormend something that i didn't ask about its like offering a iMac to a gamer over a Macpro a gamer isnt going to get very far with a X1600. I already have a mac mini its over kill and uses a lot of power compared to an apple tv.

Horde Groupware Reviews

TBH I don't think that serverfault is a great place to ask this question as I suspect that there will things that won;t work or new problems. The format here is more questions - > Answer, whereas I suspect you'll need more back and forth before you will get it sorted..

Jeremy DavisJeremy Davis

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged apache-2.2ubuntuphpgithubhorde or ask your own question.



Horde Groupware Kolab Edition is a free, enterprise ready, browser basedcommunication suite for the Kolab server. Users can read, send and organizeemail messages and manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks and notes withthe standards compliant components from the Horde Project. Horde GroupwareKolab Edition bundles the separately available applications IMP, Ingo,Kronolith, Turba, Nag and Mnemo.

It can be extended with any of the released Horde applications or theHorde modules that are still in development, like a file manager, abookmark manager, a forum or a wiki.

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is acertification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

Further information on Horde Groupware Kolab Edition and the latest version canbe obtained at


The following documentation is available in the Horde Groupware Kolab Editiondistribution:

README:This file
doc/CHANGES:Changes by release
doc/INSTALL:Installation instructions and notes
doc/UPGRADING:Pointers on upgrading from previous Horde Groupware KolabEdition versions

Instructions for installing Horde Groupware Kolab Edition can be found in thefile INSTALL in the doc/ directory of the Horde Groupware Kolab Editiondistribution.

If you encounter problems with Horde Groupware Kolab Edition, help isavailable!

The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the web at


Horde Groupware Webmail Edition

Horde LLC runs a number of mailing lists, for individual applicationsand for issues relating to the project as a whole. Information, archives, andsubscription information can be found at


There is no separate mailing list for Horde Lpöab Edition, pleasecontact the mailing list of the component you have problems with, orthe Horde mailing list for general problems and questions.

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Lastly, Horde developers, contributors and users also make occasionalappearances on IRC, on the channel #horde on the freenode Network(irc.freenode.net).

For licensing and copyright information, please see the file LICENSE in theHorde Groupware Kolab Edition distribution and the LICENSE files in thekronolith, turba, nag and mnemo subdirectories.

Horde Groupware 5.2.14

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The Horde Groupware Kolab Edition team